Done for you or done with you.
You choose
Pinterest account set up
SGD 220. 3 weeks
  • Full custom branding of profile and board covers
  • In depth keyword research to attract your ideal customer.

  • Board Creation (up to 5) or optimization (up to 10) and competitor research.

  • Pin creation (up to 10 total) for your content and its scheduling through Tailwind
Pinterest Strategy Call
SGD 170. 90 minute 1:1 session which you can review later
  • Analysis of current Pinterest strategy

    • Help to identify keywords that will connect you with your target audience.
    • SEO strategy for pins, titles, board titles, and descriptions with board suggestions
    • Audit of current pin graphics
    • Recommendations for pin graphics
    • Tips for how to repurpose your current content
    • Recommendations on when to pin, what to pin, and how often you should pin